4 Elements for Satisfying Life (With No Money)

Rihards Sorendo (Rich)
Rich Stories
Published in
9 min readMar 8, 2021


Every publicist in here is a successful entrepreneur, owns at least one business, has more money than they can spend, and unintentionally (or not) brags about it - “I made $$$ millions doing this ONE thing”. Let’s cut the bull$hit and talk about things that are more important than money.

Listen to these four lessons from a guy who has NO job, NO money, NO home, yet feels quite fortunate. (That`s me by the way.) These lessons are arranged in random sequence except for the Mindset, I left it for the closure on purpose.

1. Relationship

The legendary Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Man is by nature a social animal”

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

No matter they are extroverts or introverts all people seek some kind of community. Even those who say — I can`t stand the company of another human being. Later on, sit alone at their house listening to man-made music, watch movies, and chat with online friends. (In worst-case scenario — talk with their many cats.) I hope this made my point that human interaction is necessary.

Let’s start with your closest ones — Family

It is the foundation of every happy person. If you were raised in a reasonable family, it means you will always have support in tough moments. There will be a place to come back and someone who loves you no matter what. I know, I know there are many people who were not that lucky.

Make your own family — Significant other

If you don`t have a loving family you can trust, find someone with who you can start a new family together! I am so grateful for my lovely wife who will always push me forward no matter what stupid idea I have in mind. And help me recover after I fail again and again. You don`t have to be married it can be a fiance, girlfriend, or sweet bae who will take care of you when needed and help “rolling down the stairs of life”.

It doesn`t even have to be the love of your life, good friends are improving your life as well.

Friends with “benefits”

Medical research is showing that good friendship improves the standards of life.

Interaction with friends improves happiness and reduces stress. Raises self-confidence and self-worth, is helping to cope with traumas, such as divorce, illness, job loss, or the passing of a loved one. Good friends help to change for the better and drive people’s growth.

So remember that few good friends is a must but even that won`t be enough.

Everyone around — Social circle

Be polite, honest, and positive with every person you meet day to day. There will be a time when all of your given “energy” will be returned back from the same people around you. It can be a coworker, who helps out right before the deadline. Vendor at a local shop who gives a smile and maybe even a discount or postman giving you a pep talk on a morning run. Every small gesture multiplies, the person whose mood was just lifted will cheer up the next one in need. Maybe someday it will be you who needs encouragement or helpful words.


Try staying close to people who you look up to and avoid bad influence. A good example always motivates but poor ones will soon take you down.

I am grateful for having all of the above from this list, that makes me a better person and more satisfied with my life.

2. Health

This is important for every breathtaking person. A healthy body is a happy body! People can stay positive also with serious illness, injuries or disabilities but deep down in their hearts, they know how much better life would be without all of these tough hurdles.

Photo by Alyssa Ledesma on Unsplash

To those who have complaints

I am not a doctor, but I can assure “There are only few health problems that can’t be cured with good food and proper physical activities.” — Dr. Rich

I`m not saying you should say NO to anything that is harmful straight away, and start running laps — it just won’t work. Try minimalizing some of your bad habits and increasing the good ones. Instead of pancakes with syrup and bacon on Sunday morning, get up and go for a walk around the block. For some, this will not be enough. So step it up — healthy homemade meals every day and three high-intensity training sessions per week.

Listen to your body — (most probably) it will shout and curse you at first but listen what does it say after few weeks. Is it getting easier to wake up and get out of bed, you feel more energized, you can do more stuff with less effort? Seek for these small differences otherwise they go unnoticed and there is a feeling of no progress. These little details will lift your spirit and help moving forward.

For those who have no health complaints

Golden rule number two — “Prevention is the best type of medicine.”

Never stop your healthy lifestyle — stay active, eat balanced and nutritional food. My body is a good example, every time I let myself loose (don`t take care of myself), I get some problems. Suddenly my old “war injuries” let themselves know. Or even worst I get some new trauma because my body is not capable of doing what I intend for it to do.

Stay away from bad habits as much as possible, but if you really want a ciggy with beer or vine or even a shot of vodka, go for it — who am I to forbid you that.

Better remember golden rule number three “moderation is the key”!

Think about how your body will feel after the crazy night and how productive will you feel the next day? Don`t make yourself later regret what you have done in the blurry past.

Summary for this chapter

Don`t let health be for granted. If at this moment nothing hurts, you have no complaints and you are feeling good, keep working for it! But if you have something that needs to be taken care of — don`t hesitate. Everything you change in your everyday life for good, will not only boost your health but lift up your spirits and brighten the mood.

3. Occupation

Do you sometimes feel like a lost sheep when there is spare time? That is a common thing for modern people. We are so busy when we get the privilege of free time we don`t know how to use it. For some, this feeling could be even while working.

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

Sheep at work

Think again - is this the right place for you? Human brains need stimulation, but if we do a monotonous job 5 days a week, it messes up with sanity. I sincerely suggest thinking of a new profession.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — the average person changes jobs ten to fifteen times during his or her career (around once every 4 years). Maybe it is time to change the old path with new opportunities. Changing career opens new horizons, for future growth, introduces to new people, and brings extra motivation for success.

Sheep at home

Maybe it was just me who wanted a change, but you are happy with your stable job and nice colleagues. Still, something is missing, but how to spend the FREE time?

Yes, binge-watching Netflix is time-consuming, knowing that there are 36,000 hours of content. Even better — 500 hours of Youtube videos are uploaded every minute. You will never run out of things to watch. Yet again you have to stimulate your brain! Be picky — think of what you like and stay on course, over time you can be a master in a specific niche.

Even better idea — find a hobby! Something that is good for your body and mind:

  • physical activities are a great stimulant that improves overall health, confidence, and improves the mood (nope sports)*
  • Do yoga (again with sports)
  • Then meditate (that is not for me)
  • Knit (who, me?).
  • Cooking at home. Try a new recipe every week and find undiscovered flavor combinations that light up your eyes and mouth. ( I don`t like that)
  • Ok play computer games - but truly enjoy the process not just sit at the screen with a dull face or even worst — yell at your computer and smash the keyboard. (I can try but I don`t promise)

(*)readers mind

Be the GOAT

(Be what?) GOAT — Greatest Of All Time! (How to achieve that?)

A sheep with a GOAL can become a GOAT.

Remember the goal should be SMART — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. (That’s enough with the acronyms). No matter what you do, set a goal for it! That will better show results, seem more achievable, boost morale, and improve the rate of success. (Thanks I`ll do that)

4. Mindset

The last and most important element for satisfaction in life is the mindset. Can anyone disagree with that? It is the reason why the lonely, poor man walks by side of the road enjoying the rain, yet the rich and privileged are sitting in their fancy offices and looking at him with envy.

Photo by Barbara Alçada on Unsplash

It is easy to understand but hard to apply! It`s difficult to be happy with everything that’s happening. Honestly, it would be weird if something bad would happen and you would be happy for it. To be more precise:

You have to accept everything that is happening.

No one can turn back time to avoid the accident, but you can stay calm and help the situation as much as possible. Later remember it as a lesson, not a devastating tragedy.

Try meditation

This type of mindset was being taught in my Vipassana meditation course. After 10 days in total silence and 10 hours of motionless meditation every day, I left the center with a calm, strong mind and two main acknowledgments:

1. Nothing is permanents — everything changes

2. You live now — not in the past nor in future

A person with no regrets from the past and live in the moment mindset is totally free from any grief or worries. Maybe it sounds too anarchistic — it means that everyone could do whatever they want. But a healthy and generous mind would only accept good things to be done.

Be grateful

Gratitude improves:

  • Physical health — people are more active and takes better care of their health.
  • Psychological health — gratitude noticeably increases happiness and reduces depression.
  • Increases mental strength — reduces stress, and may also play a major role in overcoming trauma.
  • Enhances empathy and reduces aggression — experiencing more sensitivity toward others and decreasing revenge.
  • Sleep — 15 minutes writing down a few grateful sentiments before bed improves the quality of sleep and prolongs it.
  • Self-esteem — grateful people reduce social comparisons and appreciate other people’s accomplishments.

Knowing these benefits every night before I fell asleep I started saying my gratitude — things that I am grateful for. It can be a delicious meal, happy event, good thing that I have done, or fun movie watched. Now I and my wife tell each other things we are grateful for every night before sleep.

The honest truth

All four elements must be strong for people to be satisfied with their lives. But honestly, I can say that no matter how good relationships you have, you are healthy, you have interesting hobbies, and a positive mindset something still might be missing.

It`s Money

These modern times when everything is capitalized demands a social member to have some money. Without money, it is impossible to fully take care of all the needs. So make this article famous!


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